Once Upon a Banana
Written by Jennifer Armstrong, illustrated by David Small
“This rambunctious tale, by Jennifer Armstrong, with illustrations by David Small, is almost wordless but packed with physical comedy. When a monkey escapes from his owner, swipes a banana, then tosses the peel on the sidewalk, it sets off a chain of clumsy chaos that topples townsfolk like dominoes.”
Jessica Bruder
New York Times Book Review
“In a tour de force of visual sequencing captioned only by a set of rhyming street and shop signs, Small sets up a hilarious chain of events along a busy city street…Composed in fluent pen lines and watercolor brushwork, the scenes are chock full of comically dismayed characters, and surprisingly easy to follow despite the frenetic activity.”
Starred Review
Kirkus Reviews
New York Public Library 2006 One Hundred Books for Reading and Sharing
Kirkus Reviews, 2006 Editor’s Choice Poll: One of the top 50 children’s books
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
ISBN 13: 978-0-689-84251-1